]> An Overview of HIV/AIDS and its Treatment Bilal A, Kaleem Ullah M, Saleem Khan M, et al. Volume 13 Issue 1 2231-5896 10.31531/2231-5896.1000116 HIVAIDS has always been regarded as one of the worlds most serious worldwide epidemics The human immuno deficiency virus HIV is a lent virus that causes HIV infection and Aids Aids is a situation way off individual way off which forward looking absorption certainly the immune system allowable life HIV epidemics are spread through blood sperm vaginal fluids and breast milk HIV exists in both unrecompensed virus spots and virus spread by infected immune cells HIV infects important immune cells such as helper CD 4 T cells and macrophages Several HIVinfected T cells were wrapped up in several clamouring T cells as the epidemic progressed The symptoms of Aids are above all the conclusion of a specific action that does not typically occur when Hans crosses a healthy immune system Most of these actions are possibilities for epidemics caused by bacteria viruses fungi and parasites that are usually overlooked by immune system elements associated with HIV infection When two people are infected at the same time the rate of HIV infection is reduced by more than 1 every year Few index clamors suggest that womens condoms can provide an as constant sure shelter All Published Work is Licensed under a creative commons attribution 4.0 international license 2024