Volume 13 ; Issue 1 ; in Month : (2021) Article No : 117
Jain P, Ganapathy D, Ranjan M

A complete denture is a removable prosthesis used when all teeth within a jaw have been lost and need to be prosthetically replaced. Hypertension is a highly prevalent cardiovascular disease worldwide. Arterial hypertension is an important health issue and associated increase in risk of suffering cardiovascular disease in the form of angina, myocardial infarction, and stroke. The aim of the study is to assess the effect of antihypertensive on completely edentulous patients. The data was collected from the dental archives of patient management software patented by Saveetha Dental College. Total sample size included 34 patients who were completely edentulous and taking antihypertensive medication. Data was tabulated and imported to SPSS for statistical analysis. Descriptive statistics and chi square test were done. The result of the study shows that the most prevalent gender taking antihypertensive medication is male, the common age group is 61-70 years old. Results of the Chi square test shows positive correlation, but it is not significant since p=0.929. While providing prosthodontic care to the patients with hypertension, understanding the disease, its treatment and impact on patients’ ability to undergo and respond to dental care is mandatory. Within the limits of the study, the most common gender taking antihypertensive drugs were male patients within the age group of 61-70 years old who were completely edentulous.

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